Wednesday, June 25, 2008

One In A Million, Once A Lifetime Opportunity!


4E1 of YISS assembles outside computer lab 3 for an engaging gathering of a lifetime! They were accused of having littered on the parade square - a piece of tissue paper. Who's the culprit? It lies behind their vice chairman - Mr Yang.

Mr Yang Rui, Secondary 4, taking his O'levels this year, had committed a serious crime of leaving his used tissue in front of 4E1 class before he aims for his seat in the midst of their class. He can run but he can't hide. He is now taken to court. With 4E1 classmates as witness to uncover the truth about this incident, the culprit will not escape.

4E1 is accused of something one man did and justice MUST prevail for they shall not suffer 45minutes of waiting outside the lab for nothing. One person made a statement, "4E1 is a busy class. Time is precious. Don't waste our time."

This is a crucial moment many cannot miss. Paparazzi and reportors, Mrs Lam, Mdm Wai and Mr Leong, rushed to the scene in view of what was happening. Photographer, Mdm Wai, got some snap shots of them as seen in the photos. Their form teacher, Mr Darren Tan, was at the scene as well. He can't bear to part with them.

Was it really Mr Yang? Or was he framed?

A warning was issued by Mr A. 4E1's first ever history record was made on this very day, 25 June 2008. It would be their first and last time.
This is Chelsea, Paparazzi of 4E1, reporting to you. (@.@)