Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Monday, October 5, 2009

Some of us are working to earn some income..
Take care people!!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Class Outing Aug 09

Hey people, let the controversies of the bullshit that has been happening lately finally end!

On a bright side, the CLASS OUTING, is gonna happen on the 31st August 2009. Mind you, its a class event and not a bring a date event!

Venue: West Coast Park
Time: we'll leave from school, so everyone meet at the foyer at 12 pm (tentatively)

People who cannot meet us at school are advised to take services 176 and alight directly in front of West Coast Park. You can also take services 30, 51, and 143, alight in front of Clementi Woods Park (West Coast Road) and take a 5 minutes walk through West Coast Link to West Coast Park Area 3 (near to the Adventure Playground). Service 175 from Clementi Interchange also stops along West Coast highway parallel to West Coast Park.

The tentative schedule:
1pm lunch at MacDonalds
2pm fun and games
4pm Chill Time
6pm Set sail

There are also pedal go-karts available for rental at $12 per half and hour

Please RVSP at the tag board or on facebook. See you therE!

Take some time to relax people!

FUNNY FUNNY! MUST WATCH! Some are hokkien and chinese.


Don't stress out people!
Exams are round the corner..
However, we must have time for some laughter!
Hope you enjoy these videos!

Posted by margaret.

Friday, August 14, 2009


WAO gay boy starts to block ppl's nasty comments...thats really cool~. MR PINKY can't accept the facts that we say about him...haha.. that really sad man.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Wow Wow Wow...
News reporting..
Recently..there is a conflict broke out in 4E1'o8...
between brandon and engchee..
and seem like more and more ppl is joining in the fun...
brandon and engchee claim to b the victim for this conflict...
Then, annabelle and kevin also join in the conflict...
and seem to b siding eng chee...
is there anything going on out there tat we dunno??
or is there any secret that eng chee found out about brandon...?
things are getting real complicated...
more and more ppl is joining in the fun...
kevin, tis morning, have push all the rage in brandon blog...
want more updates =D
stay wif mi at for more information...
thank you =D

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Hey u this fking gay dog!...if u got ballz dun remove my comments in ur blog...PUSSY! i make my blog private because i wan differentiate my blog from from urs.....unlike you, keep sharing ur gay stories on ur sia.... let me ask u smth....wat so great u have done in ur life?? ACTING AS A GAY?? haha...
Hey....u watch out lah...speaking bad about my parents....NABU.....GAY~
Go squad down in the girls toilet and pee one will notice u as a man! WHY? look into the mirror and ask urself WHY! GAY!
Stop posting in ur blog saying how great what good deed u have done daily....oh man...wat u noe is criticising others.....haha..

-The End- GAY~

Friday, August 7, 2009

plans for 31 aug

Hey people of 4E1!!!!!!!!!!

Oh gosh it has been long hasn't it????

You guys are obviously going back to YI for teacher's day right????

I was thinking whether we could hang out after we go back to YI, 31 August. Here are some ideas:

  1. HAVE LUNCH - maybe at west mall? We could all sit and chat! Provided that there is space for us
  2. WATCH A MOVIE - west mall? I know the theater is kinda lame, but its kinda near to YI
  3. MINDS cafe - its at DB, near paradise centre. Its like a cafe when you can play board games and stuff. The brownies there are heavenly!!!!
  4. Bowling - CSC. Near west mall?
  5. West Coast park - I have no idea where this came from. Hang out at the nearby MAC. Play at the obstacles?

Tag on the tag board ok! Choose one of the following. If anyone has any other ideas, e-mail me, so that I can put it up on this post!


Sunday, July 12, 2009

Ky here =D
So fast 3 months in poly le...
how is everybody poly's life...
i am damn sianzz wif my poly life...
everyday doing nothing...
wake up..
go sch...
sleep in class..
eat lunch...
continue sleeping...
go home..
play game...
tml wake up again...
so damn bored...
there is 1 huge ton of homework waiting for mi to do...
but i just dun have the mood to do sia..
in the past...
i got ppl like...
yangrul who will rush mi to complete my Amath homework...
yuehui who will stop mi from sleeping in Emath class...
Annabelle who will nag at mi to finish my English essay...
Ningzhen who will msg mi to remind mi to do my POA homework...
and of coz mdm wai's and mdm lim's endless scolding on submitting my homework on time...
yet now everything have changed...
no one really force mi to do my homework..
hence i really dun have the mood to hold the pen and do...
so sianzz..everything i do just remind mi of my secondary sch life...
those sweet memories...
anyway exam coming le..
study hard and do well...
good luck =DD

Thursday, June 25, 2009


Posted By Margaret Loo

Monday, April 13, 2009


Annabelle, nice post. Lol. I miss you guys too! I had my orientation from 1st to 3rd april. And I was wondering...


Friday, April 10, 2009

The revival post

Hey people of 4E1!

It has been quite awhile since anyone kept this blog alive. I know we all have been busy with orientation and stuff. Some, busy with their school work perhaps! When poly life starts I hope that we would all still keep this blog breathing and beating.

We should all meet up sometime. At the end of the year maybe, when everyone is having their holiday and stuff...

Here's what I'm missing form 4E1:
  • Yuan Ling's asthmatic laugh
  • Nirmail's horny jokes
  • Eng Chee, trying his hardest to piss teachers off
  • People making fun of Syahidah and Farzanah
  • Syahirah and her sarcastic comments towards Margaret
  • Brandon and his weird way of giggling, which is, by covering his mouth to do so
  • The constant bickering of the Fong twins
  • The colourful cartoons of Yanjun's
  • How Margaret banged her head onto Syakirah's pencil box
  • How hard Chelsea tries to make everything perfect
  • The expression on Hakim's face when we call him TISSUE!
You know what? The list goes on and on...

People, when you start your new life in your new school, DON'T YOU DARE FORGET ME! hahahahahahahahahaha!

Saturday, March 14, 2009


This is ER AN. Feeling hot this few days?? Haha..
CONTACT ME ! Haha.. I am doing air-con service this few week..
If you need to buy and install a fresh new brand air-con..
you can contact me too ! hahaa..
My boss might give you a fair price.. haha..


Friday, March 6, 2009

7th March 2009

Who is confirmed going?
ning zhen, yuan chan, yuan ling, meiyi, darren, yunni, dinesh, yang rui, weiliang, er an, eng chee, marie, cuixin, da woon, geok yong, hakim, yan jun, YueHui, YueWei, HuiYing

p/s. If you REALLY can make it, tell YongChee. Or you can tag at the tagboard, to notify me.

Meet at? venue?
10am, bukit batok control station slope there.

Friday, January 30, 2009


A few people came over to my house for a small get together. Stupid Nirmal lied to me that he was not going to come. That includes Dinesh too. Well you got me good people!

Then later on, YC, Nirmal, Yj, Fel and I played pictionary. And here, I will showcase our drawing talents. Make a guess after every picture Don't peep at the answers alright?

This is drawn by Felicia
So what do you think it is?
Its not a toothpaste!
Its not paint either!
What IS it?

Answer: Glue

This is also drawn by Felicia
How about this?
The answer is not soccer.
But Its got something to do with soccer.
Yes, its a country.
So what is it?

Answer: Portugal

This is also drawn by Felicia
Its so straight forward isn't it?
Answer: Diamond Ring

This is drawn by me
Its not a pimple
No, its not a cartoon character but its something like it.
So, have you figured it out?
Answer: Sponge

This is also drawn by me
No, its not a carrot.
Its a fruit.
Not pineapple!
Its red in colour.
It is...
Answer: Strawberry

This is drawn by Yanjun
Its not a string.
Its not exactly a building.
Its a landmark!
Have you guessed it yet?
Answer: Great Wall Of china

This is also drawn by Yanjun
Its not a bowl of rice
Its not food.
Answer: Chopsticks

This is drawn by Nirmal
Just keep guessing!
Answer: Woodpecker

This is also drawn by Nirmal
The answer is not Global Warming!
Its not people freezing.
Its a country.
Continue guessing....
Answer: Antarctica

This is also drawn by Nirmal.
No, its not an Alien!
Neither is it a monster.
Its a type of flower.
Answer: Rose

This is drawn by Yongchee
No clue?
Its got something to do with cheese.
Answer: Cheese on toast

This is also drawn by Yongchee
What is bird plus island?
What IS it?
Answer: Canary Island

Its got something to do with gas.
But nothing to do with rainbow.
Any clue what it is?
Answer: Green House Gas

Thats all folks!


Hey people!

Did the MOE people message you? I'm sure they did! Well, no matter what course you get into, you'll surely do well in in. Have faith! I'm so excited to see what course you people got into. Tag on the tagboard okays!

Can't wait to see you peeps on Sunday!

Hugs and Kisses, Annabelle

Wednesday, January 14, 2009



I miss every single one of you, for example Annabelle's high pitched voice and Nirmal's cannot make it jokes, HAHA.

All the best and a formal congratulos to each and every 4E1-ian!

God bless and Merry Christmas(?).

Friday, January 2, 2009

Wah! 2009 already!

Hey people,
Today is like the first day of school for everyone except us. I've never been in class on the first few days of school because of Sec One orientation. But I will never fail to see the smiles on your faces. Some people would have their new hair-cut, some people would be more tanned and some will have loads to talk about.

Come to think of it, I miss you people so much. Well, things changes from time to time. And they will never stay the same for too long. I guess I'll meet you guys when we get our results. Can't wait! Till then, hugs and kisses from me to you!