Wednesday, December 26, 2007


Heard they went block catching. The way it was said seems fun though I went there late and missed out all the fun! I brought my Christmas hat! Ms Santa? haha. Well, at least I had the log cake. Yong Chee bought the cake right? Did anyone get diahorea after going home?? haha(//_//) jkjk.

I didn't get to try out the turkey though. Annabelle got a garland which was said to be from Yong Chee. Hard to believe he will give this kind of thing right? Oh well. Surprises are awaiting to come soon!

Here it comes! Time to choose their future mate. No la.. They drawed lots to see which gift they'll get as everyone was suppose to bring a gift as an exchange gift. Well, because I took very long to persuade my Mom to let me come, so I even forgot to bring a present.
Putting that aside, let's see who got who's! Hmm.. My memory is not that good and I can only remember some. Don't mind ba?

Yang Rui and Mei Yi coincidentally got a couple gift. They were saying if Mei Yi gets a guy's gift, she have to exchange with Yang Rui! haha. What fun. I forgot who got Keng Yong's present. It's this small bottle with fake sponge sweets inside. He ask people to open by pressing this metal thing, nobody ones beeeeeeecausssssse.. They know they will go sort sort. But got someone got sort dao! - Er An. He was like fan ying chi dun. One more I remember was a cup from one of the Yuans that Yue Wei got. Because the cup had a mirror and Yue Wei said, "AH.. Just nice got mirror for me to see my hair." Then the surrounding giggled. Soon soon soon, everyone slowly left. Some went home, some to movies.

Ohya! Not forgetting, Annabelle gave us 1 goody bag each! I went my way home hoping not to get lost. Ok. That's it for Christmas!

Christmas is a time of giving
It's about a special time and place.
Christmas is the reason we can sing again!
I'll end here FULLSTOP

Tuesday, December 25, 2007


Merry Xmas to all 3E1 ppl!hahas~~few more days left before sch reopen le!~See all of u ppl soon!hahas~

Saturday, December 15, 2007



LOL. Was pretty bored so I came to leave a post. Bye!!

Geok Yong

Sunday, November 11, 2007

3e1 Peepos going to Tie Yi Zhong! Yi lu shun feng!
Take good care of yourself & miss me. LOL. jkjk.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Attention to all passenger, please do not leave your belongings unattended. If you see any suspicious article, please inform our staffs or call 999.

Diaoo lor. I suddenly think of this when Er An posted the attention post. haha. Anyw, nothing to post lah! Agrh. Well, i just heard that Mdm Wai is only teaching us for the first half of the year(2008). How can?! Hmmm. I duno real anot la.. Rumours..........


The YIMB craze is on! Feel free to join us. You guys are most welcomed. Having no music background is not embarrassing. We shall go through thick and thin together. This are the good memories that make school life fun!

Target : 148 members
SYF 08: 12 April 2008

Those who are interested, please see Mdm Wong on 7 Nov, 10 am, Science SLC. If we fail to reach the target, we will not enter SYF 08.

Sorry I use for ad.. :D

geok yong

Sunday, November 4, 2007


Attention Please!!
dm wong want to those people who involved in last year syf on monday at 10am outside heyroom(eng cher de staff rm..). Pls b punctual and rmb tmr got chem remedial. It is frm 9am to 10 am.. pls b punctual again.. haha.. have a a nice day..

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Friday, 26 Oct..
Returning of report books..Wa. Margaret playing psp!
All so excited about reports... haha.
engchee! faster verify!
see whether got any errors!
hmmmm. yes. there is really a need to see real carefully...
er an! anything wrong with your results?
Da woon. Whats wrong?
Hmmm. Is there anything wrong?
Why is everybody looks worried!?
engchee! really got errors ah?

looks like really got errors ah. haha.
da woon. yes, verify again.
look real carefully ah.
da woon. anything wrong again?

engchee. look through carefully ah!
hey anything wrong?!
why run away from my camera. LOL.
Yuehui. Anything wrong? Nirmal!
Yuehui is asking your questions..
how can you not listen to her!
nirmal running away again.. haha.
kengyong. verifying other people's reports.
glad that you are so helpful =D
engchee. look at other people's reports.
so kpo. HAHA.
Yuehui. Looking at her own's report.
She so happy that she has humor! -.-

Chelsea. anything wrong?!

HAHA. So lame lor. But nothing to do.. HAHA =D
but anyway, its a fun day. Maintenance only girls did it lor -.-
Had a fun night at marina.. But i duno what happen.
Someone, please post! =D
People, please don't mind that i put up those photos here yea =D


omg! hui ying..
u snap so many pic..
bian tai!
haha.. 2007 ending alrdy..
all the wonderful memories we shared.. :D
alright, managed to heck into this account..

hope next yr will be better
everybody work hard for o levels
hope nobody will drop or retain..
nobody right?

they never announce the winner for the interclass competition
anyway it was a great game

3e1 2007
the spirit never dies

geok yong :D

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Had interclass competition, Captain's ball and Soccer.
Captain's ball was fun! Results aren't important, whats more important is the process yea. 3E1 TEAMWORK! =D Both teams in 3E1 got into semifinals. Well, total scores not counted yet. But we are ok with who win or who lose, right peepos? People who are scared of losing are the losers =D Moreover, games are secondary isn't it? Our piority should be studies! So, work hard peepos! Start studying now & don't dissapoint our beloved teachers yea!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Intro to our BELOVED 3E1 GANG?

3-E-1, the number one,
We must have heard this from everyone.
What's so special? It's so natural
But oh yeah, it's so fun. It's easier said then done.

It's a gang, full of fun
And it won't make us wana run.
Thanks for those of bubbly voice,
Including those who makes roudy noise.

We will always be satisfied,
And if we leave, we would have cried.
Never fear, cause they are here.
With jokers (I mean rockers),
Who'd make us think we're in a circus.

Overall, you're our all in all.
3-E-1, you're the best of all.
Without the pain, you'll never gain
Like a rainbow that appears after a rain.

So put on your best,
As teachers put us to the test.
We'll always be UNITED

Hope you know our class's specialty!
Like you enjoy those spa-ghe-er~tti.

It may look easy to break a nut,
Just like people who produce those furds.

But be A PART
And we'll never be APART!
Together we work hard,
Without any 'buts'!

Jiayos! =)

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Today got back maths paper =D Lets announce the top 3 yea...
For E-maths,
2nd-runner-up goes tooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo................................
congrats congrats..
1st-runner-up goes toooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.................................
congrats congrats..
well, the Champion goes tooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.................................
congrats congrats congrats -.-

For A-maths,
Nermal is second......
Maria and YangRui got the same score =D the first.
Congrats yea.

12 Failures in our class......
" We never had this kind of results in 3e1 ! "
please reflect yea. =D

" Practice the number pattern in 10 years series "
please do so yea. =D

haha. Thats about it. Bye....

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

3E1 peepos!
Normal time-table tomorrow. Prepared? Day 7 hor. Don't pack wrong days =D Remember to bring TIE.

Hello guyz!~

Hmmmmm.....wat to post lei..i got no idea.haiz.......give up.=x

Monday, October 15, 2007

yue hui here.thanks for everything this year.i realli love this is always full of laughter.enjoy every moment spent with u guys=].Let pray hard that all of us will remain as classmate next year.

3e1 rock!=)forever the best class

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Hello 3E1 peepos.
This is the class blog i've created =D
Firstly, if you want to post to this blog, you need to have an account of a blog, then you can post to this blog.
Second, after you have created your own blog, go to your hotmail a/c and click onto the link then sign into your OWN a/c.
Lastly, you can post to this blog (:
Anything not sure can ask me in school, i'm most willing to help =X

Anyway, PLEASE bear with this blogskin. I will change it asap (:
3E1 huat arh!!!=)
Hellos! Darren here~FINALLY sme1 had made the initiative of creatin a blog for our class (p.s. i'm lazy so i didn't create =P) so dat i can cme in n mess ard with.xD
Though the year is endin soon, our class had really enjoy ourselves durin the past year. We shared our happiness and woes with each other, and overcame many obstacles together. Our class had so much fun together especially the class outing during the June Holidaes where we rode bicycles, played some beach games and many many more other fun things. Our class was filled with so much laughter and happiness during our lessons with our teachers and we had a hell of a time of fun this year. Eng Chee and Er An, two of our class jokers, had never failed to make us laughing like mad with their lame jokes and pranks in the class. And Sri, our class blackie (no offence =x), had made our class much livlier with his clumsy actions and cute faces. Not forgetting Keng Yong, the guy hu owaes made our teachers angry, had become more quiet in class compared to the past two years in YISS =P. Oh yeah, almost forgot to include our dearest Mr DARREN Tan, the guy with the same name as me, xD, teaching us in social studies and CME(which he seldom does) and owaes making some funny actions or remarks towards Eng Chee which owaes makes us laugh. Although Zhao Xu and Maggie had left us during the half of the journey, we could not forget them as they are still part of our 3E1 family.
Even Though our class might be seperated next year, we will still be one family no matter wad and we will continue to share our unhappiness with each other, overcoming obstacles together and blah blah blah. So, i wish our class 3E1 will be together next year and face the O' Levels together. Long Live 3E1!!!=)